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Cloud Contact Center Reports

Harness the power of key performance data

Aggregate data into actionable insights

Where are your agents spending the majority of their time? What is your call abandon rate? Are your agents meeting the service levels? Now you can answer these questions and more with our Cloud Contact Center reporting tool. With hundreds of reports at your fingertips, you'll have access to vital metrics, performance data and other KPIs that you need to assess and review in order to make informed decisions.


Flash Report Overview of all call center activities
IVR Overall with Split Summary of IVR activity for a user-specified time period
Call Distribution An hour-by-hour summary of call statistics by queue for a user-specified time period
Call Management Analysis A breakdown of threshold adherence by queue, showing unique calls queued
Calls Origination Summary of calls by region for each IVR for a user-specified time period
Hourly Statistics Number of calls queued, answered, not answered and voicemails for every hour of the day as well as average talk time and average wrap-up time for each corresponding hour
IVR Checkpoints Number of calls reaching pre-determined IVR functions for a user-specified time period
IVR Checkpoints with Sum Number of calls reaching pre-determined IVR functions for a user-specified time period
After-hours Detail of calls received outside of regular office hours for a user-specified time period
Dial Out Attempts List of all dial out calls
Dial Out Calls List of all dial out calls scheduled or not
Unanswered Calls List of calls that were queued once and never answered by either a live agent or voicemail
Voicemail Analysis Number of voicemails received per queue for a user-specified time period
Post-call Survey A tabular report that must be exported to Excel, columns represent the questions asked in the survey, rows represent a survey participant, and with the cell represents the numerical response
Abandoned Calls List of all abandoned calls, including the date and time, ANI and caller's wait time before abandoning
Active Emails List of emails currently waiting in queue
Call Distribution with Chats and Emails) Total answered and abandoned calls by queue for each hour of the day
Complete Call and Email Detail Records Combines all calls and emails into a CDR-style layout displaying the source, destination, time in and time out of each queued object as well as non-queued objects
Complete Email Detail Records All emails in a CDR-style layout displaying the source, destination, time in and time out of each queued object as well as non-queued objects
Daily Peak Call Volume Graphical representation of the call peak per day across a user-defined number of days
Do-Not-Call List List of telephone numbers that should not be dialed
IVR Overall Summary of all calls received into an IVR both during business hours and after hours, with queue-level details
IVR Overall Report by Region Summary of all calls received into an IVR both during business hours and after hours, with queue-level details for a user-defined region
List of Hosted DIDs DIDs ported to the platform for enhanced statistics and call recording without queuing calls reaching the hosted DIDs, typically used in conjunction with our Insight Service
Service Level List of totals number of calls answered or abandoned within and outside of the acceptable waiting time
Voicemail Analysis with Details Details of the queuing time and wait time of all calls that went to voicemail
Volume of Calls List of total calls queued, successfully answered and abandoned by month for any given year, including a bar graph comparing months and breakdown by queue for each month
SWAT - Confirmation List of calls delivered
SWAT - Users per Group Shows the users for each SWAT group


Queue Productivity by 30-minute Intervals Queue activity in 30-minute intervals for a user-specified time period
Queue Productivity by 30-minute Intervals with Chat and Emails Queue activity in 30-minute intervals for a user-specified time period, including voice calls, queued webchats and queued emails
Daily Queue Productivity Daily statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period
Weekly Queue Productivity Daily statistics of queue activity grouped by week for a user-specified time period
Monthly Queue Productivity Monthly statistics of queue activity grouped by month for a user-specified time period
Yearly Queue Productivity Annual statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period
Queued Calls Distribution A chart display of calls per hour, per queue
Outbound Queuing List of total outbound calls made through from queues via the Scheduled Dial Out feature
Individual Callback Stats Details of callbacks, including queuing date and time, and callback attempt/completion date and time
Calls De-queued List of total call that are de-queued and reason for de-queuing
Daily Queue Productivity with Chats and Emails Daily statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period, including chat and email queues
Daily Queue Summary Similar to "Monthly Queue Summary" but separated per day
General Queue Stats Average speed to answer and agent talk time by day
Missed Callbacks Detail of callbacks that expired without completion
Monthly Queue with Chats and Emails Statistics of queue activity grouped by month for a user-specified time period, including voice calls, webchats and queued emails
Monthly Queue Summary Monthly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period including agent talk time statistics
Queue Callback Statistics Totals callback statistics
Weekly Queue Productivity with Chats and Emails Weekly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period, including chat and email queues
Yearly Queue Productivity with Chats and Emails Yearly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period including chat and email queues


Agent Activity by 30-minute Intervals Specific agent activity in 30-minute intervals
Daily Agent Activity Specific agent activity per day
Weekly Agent Activity Specific agent activity grouped by week
Monthly Agent Activity Specific agent activity grouped by month
Yearly Agent Activity Specific agent activity grouped by year
Agent Performance Key agent-performance metrics in a user-specified time period
Agent Utilization Agent activities while logged in for a user-specified time period
Agent Utilization Total Average Average time spent in available statuses
Agent Status Trace Logging activities of each agent for a user-specified time period
Agent Login-Logout Time List of login and logout times for each agent session
Daily Queue Summary Similar to "Monthly Queue Summary" but separated per day
General Queue Stats Average speed to answer and agent talk time by day
Missed Callbacks Detail of callbacks that expired without completion
Monthly Queue with chats and emails Statistics of queue activity grouped by month for user-specified time period, including voice calls, webchats and queued emails
Monthly Queue Summary Monthly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period, including agent talk time statistics
Queue Callback Stats Total callback statistics
Weekly Queue Productivity with Chats and Emails Weekly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period, including chat and email queues
Yearly Queue Productivity with Chats and Emails Yearly statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period including chat and email queues
Agent Login-Logout Time with Computer Name List of login and logout times for each agent session, identifying the name of the computer used to login to the CCA
Agent Performance with Emails Key agent-performance metrics in a user-specified time period, including emails
Agent Permissions List of current agent security details, including role, feature access and queue access
Concurrent Sessions by Team List of total logins per 30-minute interval by team
Daily Agent Activity with Agent Full Name Specific agent activity per day with the agent's full name
Daily Agent Activity with Chats and Emails Specific agent activity per day. including chat and email queues
Daily Agent Activity with Missed Calls Daily agent activity including missed calls
List of Agents List of active agents
Monthly Agent Activity with Chats and Emails Specific agent activity per month. including chat and email queues
Weekly Agent Activity with Chats and Emails Specific agent activity per week, including chat and email queues
Yearly Agent Activity with Chats and Emails Specific agent activity per year, including chat and email queues
Agent Configuration Detailed list of each agent profile configuration, including username, thresholds, permissions, skills etc.
Agent Skillset Definition of skillsets and agents, team-based skill set assignments and special agent settings


Call Tracking with Grouping Detail of every call handled by IVR/DNIS for a user-specified time period with call dispositions
Call Tracking without Grouping Detail of every call handled for a user-specified time period with call dispositions
Notes Tracking Comprehensive list of all notes made by agents for a user-specified time period
Subjects Tracking by Territory A summary of call dispositions by territory for a user-specified time-period
Subjects Tracking per DNIS A summary of call dispositions by DNIS for a user-specified time-period
Outbound Call Tracking Comprehensive list of outbound calls with classification data
Outbound Call Tracking with Notes Comprehensive list of outbound calls with classification data
Outbound Call Tracking without Grouping Comprehensive outbound call list with client type data from classifications
Outbound Call Tracking - No Callbacks Detailed outbound call list with classification data, excluding callbacks
Call Tracking (with Grouping and Subjects) Detailed outbound call list with classification data grouped by caller type and subject
Notes Tracking with Subjects Detailed inbound call list with agent notes
Scheduled Outbound Call Tracking without Grouping List of total scheduled outbound calls with caller type and subject
Call Tracking with All Fields Comprehensive inbound call report with all classification fields
Call Tracking Summary Inbound/Outbound List of total inbound and outbound calls sorted byclassification data, including calls with no data
Inbound Call Tracking Summary List of total inbound calls sorted by classification data
Inbound-Outbound Calls Tracking List of total inbound and outbound calls sorted by classification data
Inbound/Outbound Call Tracking with Grouping List of total inbound and outbound calls sorted by caller type and subject
Notes Tracking with emails Comprehensive list of inbound calls and emails with agent notes
Outbound Call Tracking with Grouping List of total outbound calls by caller type and subject
Subject Tracking List of total inbound calls sorted by subject and inbound path


Complete Call Detail Records Call-by-call details of all calls for a user-specified time period
Daily Concurrent Sessions Peak Maximum of concurrent sessions
Dail Out Billing Outbound call details, including long-distance costs
Inbound Billing Inbound call details, including inbound toll-free number costs
Second Leg Billing Charges related to calls made to the agents from the queue
Total of Calls per DNIS Daily summary of all calls by DNIS for a user-specified time period


Agent Forecasting Shows how many agents you should have staffed on any given day for each one-hour interval
Agent Schedule Lists of your agents and their schedule for one day or a range of days. It will also show the lunch, breaks or events that the agent is scheduled for one day or a range of days.
The report shows the name of the agent, team and the event they are scheduled for, the start time and end time of their shift, description and location if specified and the total minutes.
Event Shows the different events scheduled for one day or a range of days. It reflect the start time, end time, agent scheduled for that event, their team name and total minutes of the event
Queue Schedule This report shows which agents are scheduled by queue on one day or a range of days. It shows their agent name, start time and end time of their shift or event and total minutes.
Vacation This report shows how much vacation an agent has been allotted, how much they have booked and how much is remaining.
Vacation Limits Lists the maximum number of hours that can be booked on any given day and how many actual hours have been booked for any given day


Daily Queue Productivity by IVR Daily statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period sorted by IVR
Queue Productivity in 30-minute intervals with AWT Daily statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period with adjustable average wait time
Weekly Agent Activity 2 Weekly Agent details with calls not answered
Calls During Lunch Hours Shows calls during lunch hours
Short-duration Calls After Transfer Shows calls with short duration after transfer
Activity Report (5-min base) List of total calls handled within and after five minutes
After-hours Calls with DNIS Name Call details for after-hours calls, including DNIS
Agent Activity with Missed Calls Total Agent activity for reporting period with missed calls
Agent Performance with Time Tracking Key agent-performance metrics in a user-specified time period, including totals per status
Agent Session Termination Shows information about sessions terminated by the system
Agent Utilization Average Per Day List of agents' average time spent in all statuses
Call Tracking Report Customized call tracking report
Call Tracking with Grouping and DNIS Detail of every call handled by IVR/DNIS for a user-specified time period with name call dispositions, including DNIS name
Call Tracking without Grouping and with DNIS Detail of every call handled for a user-specified time period with call dispositions, including DNIS name
Call Volume and Staffing (Chart) Chart of calls queued, transferred and agents logged-in by half-hour intervals
Click-to-dial Details Click-to-dial totals with time information
Complete Call Details Shows call detail records marking the abandoned calls
Custom Call Distribution Shows total calls answered and abandoned by queue in hour intervals
Custom Call Distribution 2 Shows total calls answered and abandoned by queue with adjustable intervals
Custom Call Tracking Comprehensive call details with classification data and survey data
Custom Call Volume Report Shows total calls per hour with duration bar graph
Outgoing Calls Shows outbound calls with talk-time statistics
Queue Productivity Totals Shows queue productivity totals not divided by time frame
Daily Agent Activity with Percentages Shows specific agent activity per day with percentage spent in each status
Daily Agent Productivity by Queue List of agent call totals by queue
Daily Agent Transfer List of agent transfer totals including direct inbound and outbound to third parties and queues
Daily Agent Transfer by Queue Shows agent transfer totals by queue transferred to but not including DID transfers
Daily Call Tracking Summary of the call-tracking categories by queue
Daily Queue Report Daily queue totals with service level percentages for 30, 60 and 130 seconds
Daily Queue Report with callbacks Daily queue totals with service level percentages for 30, 60 and 130 seconds, including callbacks
Daily Queue Specific Agent Utilization Shows call totals, including callbacks and transfers by agent, queue and day
DNIS Listing List of active DNISs and IVR
First Call Resolution For each call subject, shows how many calls were transferred by the agents and how many were finished with the first agent
Full Call Details Includes second's parameter to filter calls within timeframe
Hourly Call Log Shows call details by agent per hour
Outbound Calling Call Analysis Shows total long-distance minutes by region
Outbound Calls Comprehensive outbound call list, including duration and connection result
Queue Productivity with DNIS name Queue Productivity totals not divided by time frame with DNIS name
Queue Productivity with Handle Time Daily statistics of queue activity for a user-specified time period including chat and email queues and handle time
Queue Summary Queue totals by queue and hour intervals with abandoned times and handle times
Requested Callbacks Details Callback details, including queue and result
Talk Time Report Shows totals calls in preset talk-time intervals: 0-3, 3-10, 10-30, 30+ minutes
Total of Calls Transferred per DID Summary of calls transferred to each DID
Transfers Made to a Specific DID Details of calls transferred to a specific DID
Unanswered Calls with DNIS Name Comprehensive unanswered call list with DNIS name
Weekly Department Report Daily queue statistics by team, including queue breakdown and subject tracking totals
Call Tracking by Agent Custom report showing call-tracking information sorted by agent