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Teletronics Blog Articles

Current Technology Assurance Program (C-TAP)

April 9th, 2018 by admin

Great, you purchased a telecommunications system that meets all your needs. It was a more than you intended on spending, but you'll have it for years to come so that's okay…right? While that telecommunication system meets all your business...

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Posted in: C-TAP

Current Technology for a Fixed Price

June 29th, 2017 by admin

Each month it's the same thing - your business IT needs a serious update, but the company finances can't afford a sudden spike in equipment expenses. Your technology gets older and more out of date, leading to more problems and slower working. That's...

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Posted in: C-TAP

Keeping your Equipment Up-to-date

March 3rd, 2017 by admin

We get it, you don't want to upgrade your IT equipment due to the high costs of getting a new system. Finance won't approve big expenditures, and you need to keep an eye on the budget. On the other hand, your team is stuck with unreliable and obsolete...

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Posted in: Products, C-TAP, Solutions

Teletronics Services 

July 3rd, 2016 by admin

​Here at Teletronics we are ​focused on you. Our quality installations make systems easy to repair and hassle-free. Our C-TAP Program was implemented with you in mind. Our fully managed program is the ideal solution to keep your business running optimally...

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Posted in: Services, C-TAP

Technology Is Advancing at a Rapid Pace

February 6th, 2016 by admin

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace like never before. That’s why it's important to have a solution that allows you to install current technology at a fixed cost. We can offer your business The Current Technology Assurance plan, which will allow you...

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Posted in: C-TAP, Solutions

Telecommunication Solutions That Can Help Your Business

May 25th, 2015 by admin

Here at Teletronics, we are loving Grandstream - here’s why... The 3275 is an Android-based phone with a 7-inch screen; it comes standard with a camera and can act as a business phone as well. It’s also compatible with Skype so it will improve your overall...

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Posted in: C-TAP, Solutions

Current Technology Assurance Program (C-TAP)

December 30th, 2014 by admin

Teletronics is the only communications provider in the region to offer the innovative Current Technology Assurance Program (C-TAP). C-TAP has revolutionized the manner in which technology equipment, convergent applications such as VoIP, and connectivity...

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Posted in: C-TAP, Solutions

Install Current Technology Without Large Upfront Costs

January 29th, 2013 by admin

Are you looking for a program that will enable your business to install current technology without any large upfront costs? The Current Technology Assurance Program (C-TAP) is designed so businesses can have a fixed cost for their communications infrastructure...

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Posted in: C-TAP, Solutions